Highlights from the 2016 ICT4D Conference
The 2016 conference was a dynamic multi-disciplinary gathering that brought together inspiring leaders, thought-provoking speakers, and engaged participants. Highlights included:
- 715 attendees from 76 countries representing 301 public, private and civil society organizations
- Plenary sessions featuring leaders from a cross-section of organizations
- Breakout sessions organized into eight different tracks at which more than 40% of participants spoke
- A press event moderated by Anne Soy, the Africa Health Correspondent for the BBC
- An exhibit hall featuring the work of 21 organizations
- A map gallery illustrating results from 25 development initiatives
- An executive session that focused on a discussion of worldwide change through technology innovation
- Birds of a feather sessions organized by conference participants
- A post-conference field trip to explore the Kibera Town Center’s use of technology innovation to provide services to Kibera residents
The conference received top ratings from its participants, who cited the diversity of conference participants and speakers, the range and diversity of conference topics, the opportunities it provided for networking and knowledge exchange, the focus on practical applications of ICT to issues, and the quality of plenary and breakout session speakers as the top things they liked about the conference.
Conference partners and sponsors included Accenture, Catholic Relief Services, Esri, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, iMerit Technology Services, Inmarsat, IS Solutions, Making All Voices Count, Mercy Corps, Microsoft, NetHope, Oxfam, Pandexio, QualComm Wireless Reach, RTI International, SimbaNET and World Vision.
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