Speaker and session selection criteria
Speaker and session are selected on a competitive basis with reference to the following criteria:
- Showcases exceptional innovation in ICT4D, new perspectives, and/or features diverse points of view
- Session offers practical and meaningful lessons learned
- Credibility and experience of the presenter and/or organization
- Clarity of the submitted abstract
- Relevance of abstract to the Conference themes
- Verifiable results and impact of the program
- The extent to which the program is replicable and scalable
- Diversity of speakers or co-presenters: this includes but is not limited to demographically (e.g., sex/gender, age, ethnicity, disability) and geographically diverse panels
- Session is interactive, making the most of the participants being present in person
- Sessions should have a good mix of subject matter experts from the private, public and NGO sectors
- Sales pitches for solutions or initiatives will not be accepted