Submit Your Innovation

Contribute to an article on DPGs/ Open-Source Innovations for Food Security & Climate Resilience


The ICT4D Conference invites you to share your innovations for a crowd-sourced article spotlighting trends, innovative approaches, different business models, and lessons learned lessons learned when designing or implementing open-source solutions for food security and climate resilience. Selected submissions will be featured in our collaborative article published on our website,, and shared with our global ICT4D community in a newsletter to about 9.000 subscribers and via our social media channels. Please tell us more about your innovation.

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Your Details

Please share your contact details with us to notify you on the status of your submission and to request further details, if needed. If we publish your innovation, please note that we wish to include the submitter name, job title, organization, and weblink in the article.
Please share a link to your innovation.
Email Address*
Please share a link to your LinkedIn profile if you like to be connected with the other contributors.

About your DPG or Open-Source Innovation

Kindly answer the following questions about your digital public good or open-source innovation.
Which challenge does your innovation address?*
Please select the most relevant theme:
Please share a brief description of your innovation, highlighting its goals and impact.
Please tell us more about open-source or public-good nature of your approach. What's your business model? What is innovative? What is new/different in your approach?
Please share up to three key lessons you've learned when designing or implementing the innovation. What worked well? What surprised you? What would you do differently next time?

By submitting this form, you agree to these Terms of Service*
Your contact details may be stored and used by the ICT4D Conference to contact you about further events or activities that may interest you. When the ICT4D Conference emails you, a method to unsubscribe from any mailing list will be provided. Please see more details in our Data Protection Policy:
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